10 Actors You Probably Didn't Know Had Died - 2

10 Actors You Probably Didn't Know Had Died - 2

Harold Ramos



Harold Ramos from national lampoon's vacation - Ghostbusters - knocked up, the big-screen comedy world would not have been what it is without Harold Ramos, in addition appearing in some of the funniest comedies in the past 30 years, Ramos also wrote and directed many other hits, the fact that he wasn't considered an a-lister by celeb watchers kept him under the radar despite his influence in Hollywood, he died from a rare disease in February 2014.




10 Actors You Probably Didn't Know Had Died - 2  10 Actors You Probably Didn't Know Had Died - 2 Reviewed by Unknown on 7:02 AM Rating: 5
